13 November 2007

Esta cancion nacio de las sabias palabras de chepe. gracias por ser un amigo tan especial....


I’m becoming insane /slowly fading away/ I’m dead inside/ you hurt me and let me died/ /the devils bells are ringing / they’re calling my name / the sentence is done / father mother and son


Cause you lie / (otra voz) I just wanted time…. / one mistake / and I condemn / deep inside I know you cry / for everything you betray

Be careful tonight / that’s my warning my gift my life / no distractions this time / I will face the hole in my mind / the war has begun / the sinners must pay with their blood / my soul cant be save / I’m falling into my grave

1 comment:

CHeP said...

Mari esta cancion me movio, no te imaginas la magnbitud q alcanzaron en mi esas palabras.

Muchas gracias por compartir tu arte conmigo y por dejar q mis pañabras te inspiraran